Friday, May 29, 2009

OPI La Paz-itively Hot more pictures

YAY for more pics! my training for Catechism has finally ended and i can post more blog, er, posts! hurray! lol. so, as i promised (even though it's been "strike through-ed"), i'll post more pictures of OPI La-Pazitively Hot! hope you like 'em! :)

but before anything else, i wanted to show you where i take pictures outdoors. that's our garden! and yep, that is a playhouse for my 6 and 9 year old sisters! :)
they are still bulding it... ;)

and now, drum roll please! on to the nail polish, my loves! :D
outdoors with shade

outdoors without shade

night without flash

extreme close-up of the name and my thumb. lol!

bottle picture

and the rest are indoors with flash :)

after wearing this polish for a day, i found its flaws! i already have minor tipwear plus, it's not shiny anymore. bright but dull? yech. :( what can you say? should i layer it with a shimmery polish? :)


Helen said...

Hi Charlene,
I'm new to your blog (just saw it linked from Nixxy's). La Paz looks amazing on you - you have great nails.
I have this colour but I haven't tried it out yet. I want to now though - it looks awesome! (as does the play house - wow!)

clockwork said...

It practically glows, I love it. Matches your site layout lol ^^

charlene said...

Helen - welcome! hope you like my blog! and thank you for your lovely comment. made my day. also, you better try La-Paz now! lol. :)

clockwork - omg! just realized that now! you're definitely right! how cool. thanks. :)

Lucy said...

What lucky girls! My Dad was always going to build me one. Never happened. He did build me a giant doll house and my brother used to curl up in one of the rooms and hide. He also built me table and chairs, rocking chair, chest of drawers, bassinette and cradle. I was a lucky little girl. Your nail polish is so pretty. You blend in beautifully with the blog colors. You have such pretty hands and nails.

charlene said...

Lucy - i love your comments every time. thank you so much! and yes, what a lucky girl you are. guess what? i think the playhouse for me, too! thanks for sharing your story. i love it! :)

Alexlyndra said...

I love pink and I say it again, I loe this polish! Such a great and beautiful pink!

Bianca Monica said...

So cute! Love them :)